Saturday, May 3, 2008


Like a lot of people, money is on my mind lately.  It occurred to me last night when we were shopping and I asked David, "How much does that cost?" after he put the gallon of milk in our cart.  Milk.  We need milk, we will buy the milk, now suddenly I want to know how much it costs?  ($3.48 if you're interested.)  I don't know that the economic stimulus check coming is going to do us much good in the end (buried deep in the language of the bill that created the package there's a clause about getting less when we file our taxes...a sort of advance on tax returns) but I'm looking forward to its arrival - our pool club membership is due and I plan to swim the summer away.  Oh and we just bought a lawn mower and I want a grill.  Hmm...I guess we are stimulating the economy!  But you know, we're paying more for gas and groceries than we ever have and I doubt any raise we get over this summer is going to put a dent in those increased expenses.  I think we're all going to learn to economize more and waste less so maybe this is the economy's way of righting itself, regaining its balance so to speak.

Kyle is hearing us say more and more, "No, that costs too much money."  We're trying to do things as a family that don't cost as much money, but Kyle has money, lots of money in his eyes.  He just traded me quarters that he earns for positive behavior at school for dollars.  He now has $9.00 and thoughts of nine things at the $1 store are spinning in his brain!
I'm terrible at thinking of things to cut back on - they all seem like necessities to me.  Give up my cell phone...don't think so.  No more cable or high speed internet...uh, necessity!  Stop buying Orbit gum in bulk...not if you want me to be pleasant to you.  See my quandary?


Melissa said...

I totally hear you.

I'm trying to talk Brian into using ours to go to Nebraska to see my mom. It's only been 8 years or so....... :(

The sad part is that we will still have to pony up several hundred dollars even with the check to make the trip.

At least it wouldn't be as bad as paying for the whole thing out of pocket.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about cutting back but finding that everything is "necessary". I thought about getting rid of my internet, but I'm afraid I would go crazy!

Maybe I need to learn from Kyle and start using the Dollar Store more often.

Anonymous said...

What happens when the dollar store seems like a luxury???