After nearly four weeks in a hotel and countless hours of work, I am home. What an experience it has been, I have never worked harder or been more amply rewarded for my hard work in that WE WON THE CASE! That's right...won it! The jury awarded plaintiff nothing! And I could type and type and never be able to tell you what a joy that was - I have worked on this case almost exclusively for four years and when the verdict was read I could scarcely believe it. This case was truly the kind of case that if I told you about it, you would shake your head and talk about abuses in the American justice system.
I think Kyle grew a foot while I was away although the marks on the wall say differently and I still can't stop myself from hugging him and kissing his head even though he gets tired of it pretty quickly these days. My boys survived just as I knew they would.
Now I plan to spend some of my hard-earned overtime money and Holiday Inn points on a lovely long weekend in Hilton Head right after Labor Day - give Kyle that tiny bit of summer vacation he didn't get this year...and give myself a lot of cocktails at the Tiki bar that is right on the beach!
I know I promised a long rambling post about the annoying OTHER paralegal, but right now my joy over it being over and winning is too great to whine about someone else so that will have to wait. Thank you all for your encouraging emails while I was away - it meant so much to me!
I have heard nothing but wonderful things about Hilton Head and am perhaps a bit envious. It should be a fantastic trip! Just what the lawyer ordered...
Hooray for being home! :)
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