Sunday, April 27, 2008

Water Play

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Day In The Life...Of Me!

I got this idea from Melissa and I decided to use Saturday since I seriously doubt you would want a play-by-play of me summarizing depositions and preparing medical chronologies, which is what a typical day at work would be like.  Although there's a good chance you could care less what we do on a Saturday!

  • 7:11 a.m.  Woke up to a heavy rain.  The first thing I thought about was the fact that the American Cancer Society Relay for Life was from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. last night - hope everyone got out before the rain started!
  • 7:22 a.m.  Reading my favorite blogs.  Realized that several blogs that I read regularly I found using the "Next Blog" button.
  • 7:45 a.m.  Finishing up the first entry in my "Day in the Life" post.
  • 8:40 to 11:40 a.m.  The busiest part of any of our Saturdays.  We've all showered and head out to Panera Bread for coffee and whatever pastry tempts us.  Then it's off to Walmart for our weekly shopping trip or as I like to call it "paying for a migraine".  Today after the groceries were put away and the garbage gathered and taken out we worked on cleaning Kyle's playroom.  Whew.  That child uses more paper, tape, crayons and pencils than anyone I know. Managing all that artwork is difficult.  Some of it is so good I really don't want to throw it away and other pieces are just scribbles.  Plus then there are the assorted prizes he gets for good behavior at school - also known as crap!
  • 12:15  Another paralegal that I know, Jennifer, is trying to get out of the paralegal industry (what is she thinking?!?!?) and about a year and a half ago she started a business on the side called Fairytale Adventures  It's doing so well that she was able to open her own location outside her home and held an open house today, so we went to check it out.
  • 12:45  Ever heard of Captain Underpants?  Kyle loves these books so we stopped at Barnes & Noble so he could get the latest collection.  The guy certainly know what boys want to read about...boogers, toilets, wedgies, and super heros.
  • 1:11  Lunch at Chili's.
  • 2:21 Updating Blog.  Thinking about a nap - slept lousy last night.
  • 5:48 No nap.  Watched a bit of television then we all watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.  Getting ready for Indiana Jones IV!  Kyle played in the kitchen sink with various bowls and toys, I took a video that I'll post at a later time.  Hmm...I'm beginning to think our Saturdays run to the boring side!
  • 6:00 Kyle and I went for a walk.  We had planned to go a lot farther, but the sky looked like it might open up at any minute and there was a lot of thunder.  Interestingly, it never did rain.
  • 7:10 The good thing about going to lunch on Saturday is nobody is hungry for dinner on Saturday night, so no cooking!  
  • 8:15 Got Kyle put to bed and started watching Sweeny Todd.  
  • 10:10 Sweeny Todd was great - Johnny Depp is a surprisingly good singer.  Obviously not a feel-good movie, but Tim Burton's crazy mind never ceases to amaze me.  Off to bed!
So there you have it - a day in my life.  And really, my Saturdays don't vary a whole lot.  I used to think the whole world was doing something far more interesting that us, but really I think our days are pretty much alike. 

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pharmacy Mania!

Kyle has strep throat - it's the third time in four months.  A couple more rounds and we'll have to consider an ENT referral and the possibility of his tonsils coming out.  The doctor said it's been a busy year for strep and that it wasn't that Kyle was particularly susceptible to it, he just had bad luck!  

So another round of antibiotics - and a trip to Walgreen's to pick it up.  Ah Walgreen's.  I love it's a tad pricey in the health and beauty department but man oh man, they have everything.  I could spend hours walking up and down the aisles picking up this 'n that.  They work so hard to fill up their seasonal aisles with any kind of holiday crap that's out there.  They also have weird stuff you really can only find there...I mean where else can you find hair oil that looks like it's been on the market since the 1800's?  And really, that means there are people out there buying that stuff!

How about you?  What is your favorite place to wander aimlessly?  Buying or not buying?

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Crafty Cathy

I tend to call them "crap fairs" as opposed to craft fairs.  Could be because I'm the least crafty person you may meet or it could be because I sometimes wonder how someone could screw a couple cup hooks onto a wooden dowel and call it a craft.  Uh, I'm prepared to eat my words.  But only because I now want something from the world of the crafty.  Years ago my grandfather made a beautiful necklace organizer for my grandmother.  Red velvet (my grandmother's number one favorite color) covering a wooden shape (was it a heart?)  I think it may have been slightly padded.  Anyway, he screwed in some strategically placed cup hooks and my grandmother hung some of her never-ending supply of necklaces from the hooks - her favored necklaces made it onto the hooks because the whole thing was hung on the wall near her closet.  I'm pretty sure my mother is now in possession of the necklace organizer.  I WANT ONE!  I've seen standing ones, but they never seem quiet tall enough to handle some of my longer necklaces.  I want it to go on the back of my hall closet door.  I've googled, I've eBayed.  Nothing.  You would think some enlightened crafter would make a killing on the internet.  Nope.  

Does this mean I'm going to have to start watching the newspaper for (gulp!) craft fairs?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

It's My Party...

Okay, I admit fact, I'm shameless about it.  I love my birthday.  I start annoying my husband with a countdown to the big day at least a month in advance.  I can even (for the day) ignore the fact that the very celebration I adore is also the one that is going to make me one year older (41, thank you very much!)  

I have dubbed today, "Day of Fun!"  It's the Master's golf tournament in Augusta right now and at my office we each get a freebie day off during the week since it's a slow week and a lot of regulars are out of town and a lot of irregulars are in town.  I chose today for my day and I plan to enjoy it to the fullest!  David went to work, Kyle went off to hang with his buddies at daycare...leaving just me.  That's right - me, alone in my own house!  I'm having my nails done later, shopping for a new pair of sandals, going wherever I want for lunch...I might even lounge around later and watch Oprah AND Dr. Phil.  

Oh's going to be a great day!

UPDATE:  Well, the afternoon took a turn for the different when I got a call saying there were two tickets to the Masters waiting for me!  So, I abandoned all plans for the afternoon and met my hubby for an afternoon of strolling the links.  Even if you're not into golf you can't help but fall in love with the beauty and history that is Augusta National.  

Saturday, April 5, 2008

September 29

That's when the trial that was looming over me for April 14 has been continued to.  What a relief!  I was one worker bee surrounded by too many queen bees for this particular trial and I feel a lot better having more time to get ready.  A whole summer in fact!  I'll probably be just as stressed come September, but at least I have time!

Saturday.  We have this whole rainy day stretched out in front of us and I feel good about it, which is kind of unusual for me.  I'm not good with unstructured time.  Honestly, I think the fact that we have date night with another couple tonight is what's making the day a good one.  Something to look forward to.   We're going to a place called Sheehan's Pub to use gift certificates we got from the firm at Christmas.