Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The world

Doesn't the world seem a little smaller now with the internet, MySpace, blogs, etc.? Plus I'm always amazed at how lives touch in a Six Degrees kind of way. I read a blog from a great woman in Omaha ( - I've never met her, probably never will, but I like her. Her joy is my joy and her sadness is my sadness. I stumbled across Omaha Mama's blog when she commented on another blog I read ( which I read because I've been reading Catherine Newman's stuff (she's the author) for years. Without the web I would have no idea what was going on in the lives of two moms - one in Omaha and the other in Amherst, Massachusetts...and I've learned a lot from both of them. I imagine they could each write a post of their own about how they read somebody's blog that they ended up reading because it was on someone else's blog and so on and so on. I guess it's a kind of a virtual penpal thing!