Thursday, February 7, 2008

Here goes

It's 7:03 am and in just one hour I'll be swallowing a Valium and getting ready for my LASIK surgery.  Wish me luck!  I probably won't report on it until tomorrow since I anticipate using the sleeping pills they prescribed me to waste my whole day with my eyes closed!


Melissa said...

Woohoo! Good luck, girl! Wait until you see the protective eyewear you get to wear as you sleep today...haha!

Jamie said...

Good luck! My husband is considering the surgery and has a consult at the end of the month. I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!

Jennifer Haase said...

Yay!! You'll love it!! My sister and a close friend both had the surgery and both loved the results.

can you see us better?

don't we look even more gorgeous than ever now?? tee-hee!