Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Grandma Mussman sent Kyle a big envelope full of great art supplies for Valentine's Day: stickers, craft sticks, glue, a stapler, glitter construction paper, etc. and Kyle immediately constructed a robot with some of the items and an empty Kleenex box!  Let the battle begin...


Melissa said...

If only we were as free as children to unabashedly unleash our imagination...

Jennifer Haase said...

Oh how wonderful!! I was going to say something similar to Melissa's in this day and age of electronic games that have merit in their own right, it's often the basic, pure imagination that plays second fiddle to skill. To have imagination take the lead sometimes brings such lovely balance and teaches a child to create and DREAM.

And, OK, it's dang fun for adults to indulge in some of that magic childhood imagination right along with them, too. :)


PS...Kyle is one of my very favorite names for a child, did I tell you that? One of the most important relationships I have ever had with a child is with a good friend's son named Kyle. That boy, who is now married in his early 20's, forever changed me and my approach to the world for the better! Yay Kyles!