Monday, September 15, 2008

100th Post!

When I popped on blogger just now I had no idea that I would be entering my 100th post!  Wow - I should get a cake or something!  Geez, now I feel some sort of pressure to blog about something meaningful or worthwhile instead of my original post idea about how much I love my new iPod nano (This one, in purple).  I had my previous iPod (a mini) since April of 2004 - a dinosaur in iPod time.  I sort of felt bad retiring the old girl - although it seems as though Kyle may get a few more months out of her if he has his way.  Couple the new iPod with the new television I bought for the playroom and I've pretty much tapped out on the overtime money I made this summer!

On another note, I'm heading back to Nebraska on the 27th and I'm so excited!  I haven't been home in over a year and I'll get to see my family and friends for a few days.  I scored a great deal on a plane ticket from Augusta to Denver and then I'll drive from there to North Platte - about a 3.5 hour drive.  Woo hoo!

So anyway, happy 100th post to me and thanks for reading!


Melanie D. said...

What a great time of year to head by to NE!

Melanie D. said...

I meant back, not by!
And congrats on the 100th post!

Anonymous said...

100 posts? Wow!

Nebraska sounds like a great place with awesome people! Have fun!