Monday, October 20, 2008

Wedded Bliss

David and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary yesterday.  We included Kyle in our celebration by taking a weekend family trip to Greenville, South Carolina and a good time was definitely had by all.  Although it's kind of annoying that parts of South Carolina still have "blue laws" that keep many places (mostly non-grocery stores) closed until well past noon on Sundays so we didn't get a chance to check out the Haywood mall (which has a Pottery Barn!) because it seemed kind of silly to wait around for several hours for a mall to open!  Anyway, we enjoyed the Greenville zoo's "Boo in the Zoo" and Kyle had a chance to wear his costume early.  (Hint, it's Mario from Nintendo again, but with a twist.) 

The past 12 years have certainly seen a lot of changes (we've lived in three different states and six different houses since we got married) but I can't imagine a better partner to share my life with! 


Melanie D. said...

Awwww. Happy Anniversary. I hope I will be able to say those same things at year 12.

Melissa said...

Hard to believe how the time flies. Seems like only yesterday we were two crazy chicks rambling around Westchester, footloose and fancy free.

Now look at us...two old married ladies with kids. Whodathunk it?

Happy Anniversary to you and Mr. Wonderful!

Anonymous said...

12 years? Wow! It's crazy how time flies.

Congratulations to the three of you!

jteacher said...

Congratulations! I remember your wedding when Tony was Kyle's age now. Time does fly.