Sunday, November 2, 2008


As I've said before, we tend to move a lot, whether it's job related or because I've grown bored and need to shake things up. This kind of moving tends to keep you from being a card-carrying, crazy-type pack rat (yes, Judy, I'm referring to you!) but that doesn't mean I'm without sentiment - I have scraps of paper, things from my youth, things from my parents' youth and other assorted memorabilia. Yesterday David motivated all of us to clean out the shed...the shed...the place where all that "memorabilia" is stored. Eeeek! Bugs and junk! Well, as it turns out it wasn't bad at all. We blessed Goodwill with a lot of stuff and threw out even more. But get this - in one box I found goody bags and assorted goody bag fillings from 12 YEARS AGO! That's right, from Tony's 7th birthday party. Tony is 19! In those goody bags? Hot Wheels fruit snacks! 12 year old fruit snacks! Really? I kept those? What? Now I'm mad I didn't take a picture of them! So, now you know, I am a bit of a pack rat!


Melanie D. said...

Doesn't cleaning out feel good?! I see a wood bench out there that looks nice. Did you get rid of that?

LoriAnn said...

We did not get rid of the bench - it's an antique with hand embroidered cushions on the top and bottom that my grandmother made - wish I had somewhere to put it in this house, it's beautiful. I'm sad though because apparently we stacked a box with too much weight on it because the springs are a bit, uh sprung!

hippmom said...

I'm shocked. Literally shocked. This would not surprised me in my own stuff but not you! You've been my inspiration for so long...

Anonymous said...

Did you find any fruit cake cookies your mom used to make?

Melissa said...

Hah! I was going to ask about the bench even before I saw the comments.

Brian convinced me I had a bunch of useless crap that I had been dragging around house to house for years.

I finally purged a bunch of it, including about 20 pairs of shoes. Sadly, the shoes went bye-bye because my feet grew when I was pregnant, not for lack of wearing. ;(

Unknown said...

This is a test.

Jennifer Haase said...

Hilarious!!! I'm also a HUGE packrat and I think part of the reason I've moved around a handful of times in the past handful of years is so that I can keep on ditchin' some of my superfluous "goodie bags", too. :)

Darn shame about the fruit snacks, though. Hate for a good fruit snack to go to waste.

And I LOVE your writing, too, Loriann, you sweetheart!! Thank you!!
