Saturday, December 27, 2008

Deja Vu

It was like a step back in time, "Funky Town" on the PA system, carpeted seating areas and a young girl in white skates with POM POMs tied to the laces! Yesterday I took Kyle roller skating and it was awesome! It really hasn't changed much since I was a kid, except now there are speed skates and roller blades mixed in with the quads. They still do the hokey pokey, the limbo, the chicken dance and speed races. The concession stand is filled with all the usuals - including the giant pickles I just love!

Kyle had been skating once over the summer on a camp field trip, but I had never taken him before so I was a bit doubtful about his promises of being a speed skater...well, as it turns out he is a speed skater - on the carpeted areas! I noticed right away that he was really skating, not just clomping around like a lot of the other kids so I was anxious to get him into the rink. I learned to walk, then I learned to skate. My dad was a competitive roller skater in his youth (though you wouldn't know it to see him now!) so my brother and I were on skates as toddlers - it was one of the few things that came easy to me. I took Kyle around the rink a few times and although he lost his footing a lot I could see it wasn't going to take much for him to "get it" - all it really took was a friend showing up who was a tiny bit better than Kyle and loved being on the rink - that was it...Mr. Competitive was on his way! I was thrilled!

Of course today we're both sore and Kyle took quite a tumble toward the end - even hitting his head, but he's ready to go again and for $6 for the two of us (including skates!) it's bargain exercise on a rainy post-Christmas weekend!

On another note - today Kyle made the long walk down the aisle at church to profess his faith and accept Jesus as his savior! During the service he had drawn a picture that said, "Thank you Jesus...for all you've done for us" Amen to that little man, Amen to that!


Anonymous said...

I haven't skated in years and would probably hurt myself, but it does sound fun!

Ashley said...

I know you are one proud Mama!!! Congrats to Kyle for joining the Family of God!

Jennifer Haase said...

Ah, skating. Some of my fave memories from childhood, too. And as a young teen, that was one of the hangouts for a spell, as I'm sure you know and experienced in my hometown, too!