Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Man - you can't help but love eBay!  I got this great Land's End wool suit with Talbot Kids shirt and silk tie for...get this...$25!  That's right, wool suit, shirt and silk tie for $25!  Hurray!  Oh, and doesn't he look just awesome?  I'm so glad he still likes to dress up!


Melanie D. said...

So handsome! Don't you just love a good buy?!

Melissa said...

Handsome little man you have there! :)

jteacher said...

Kyle looks great! Reid came and said, "Whoa, who is that?" It looks like Kyle celebrated his 25th birthday while we've been away.
Reid also went on to ask why anyone would dress up that much. This is a boy who thinks a clean pair of jeans is "dressy." Sad.

Ashley said...

Oh my goodness! He looks SO handsome!!