Saturday, July 4, 2009


I'm getting older. No particular news flash there since we are all getting older every day BUT I'm feeling my age more and more these days. It doesn't particularly help that all the other moms of Kyle's 8-year-old friends are just turning 30ish. And me? I'm 42. Things seem to take more effort and I find myself weighing the effort involved vs the outcome. Six Flags in July...not so much. Street festival? Maybe. See what I mean? I catch myself throwing a bit of a pity party now and again about my flagging energy in comparison to the other moms. How I don't particularly want to be out past 11:00 or deal with drama. I had older parents...they were in their mid-to-late 30s when I was born and there were good things and bad about that - we didn't really have money woes since my parents were well-established financially which allowed us the opportunity to travel and have some things other kids didn't have. But, my parents were tired. LOL...I just self - analyzed myself with that one...I'm becoming the parent I didn't really want to become!

So, as I sit here on 4th of July I'm really working up the energy to gather our stuff, head downtown, deal with traffic, find a parking spot, find a decent place to watch the fireworks (read "avoid rednecks") and then deal with the slow moving traffic jam after the finale. But hey, you're only young once!


Jennifer Haase said...

Oh how I dream of being one of those older parents with zero energy. :) Here's a shot of caffeine for you from me!

Melissa said...

I'll be one of those as well. Older than you, in fact. When Brianna is 8, I'll be 45. Ouch. ;(